Lily Dale Spiritualist Church Activities
First Sunday of Every Month we have a social hour after church service. Stay and enjoy each other’s company.
Michelle and Anita will be holding the Spiritual Educational Class after Fellowship hour at 1:00 every month.
Anita Eklund will be holding a development circle on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sunday here in the Healing temple after church.
There will be a mediation circle every Thursday evening at 7pm in the healing temple, there is a $10 suggested love donation. Starting October 8, 2024
There will be a Spiritualism 101 class on the first and third Saturday at 11am every month, if you are interested in please feel free to come there is a $10 suggested donation. This will start October 5th.
Food Pantry – The collection for the Cassadaga Food pantry is in the church foyer. We accept all non-perishable items. The pantry is open from 8am to noon each Thursday and serves Lily Dale, Cassadaga, and Stockton. For further information and any question contact one of the board members.
Anyone interested in joining our church, needs to fill out an application at the back of the church. Contact is Havivah Richards at 480-297-6502.
Philosophy class is held on the second Thursday of the month. This month will be Thursday September 12th at 5:30 at the Healing Temple.
There will be a closed Trance class on the second and fourth Saturdays starting in October. It will be at 11 am, there is a love donation to attend the class. Please sign up to join.
October 2024
October 6 - Tom Daly
October 13 - Joanne Copley-Nigro
October 20 - Bernard Payne
October 27 - Paulette Smith
November 2024
November 3 - Reverend Alexis Rolnick
November 10 - Reverend Joanne Santonocito
November 17 - Dick Haloran
November 24 - Richard Lissemore
July is Membership Month, do not forget to renew your Membership!
Join us on Facebook at Lilydalespiritualistchurchnsac